Dehbid Angorak marble
Dehbid Angorak marble
Dehbid Angorak marble

Dehbid Angorak marble stone has a light and clear cream background, where white flowers, called claw flowers, can be seen. Other varieties of Dehbid Angorak marble also have the same transparency and beauty. The only difference is that they have more flowers and impurities. A prominent feature of Dehbid Angorak marble is its low water absorption and excellent absorption. Dehbid Angorak stone is one of the mines of Dehbid region.

Sabalan Stone 2023.

•    Its application includes paving stones for residential, commercial, and administrative units, as well as the internal facade of the building.
•    Floor stone inside the buildings
•    Floor stone in office and commercial units
•    Corridor and staircase floor stone
•    Paving stones for parking lots
•    The stone of the internal walls of the building
•    Corridor and staircase body stone

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